Root Canal Therapy

Renew Your Smile in Pure Luxury: Experience the Tranquility of our Spa-Like Dentistry

Little River Root Canal Therapy

If a tooth has a severe infection, then it might be necessary to clean out the root so that the infection can be eliminated. As a comprehensive dental care provider, Palmetto Dental Associates provides root canal therapy to residents of Little River, North Myrtle Beach, and surrounding communities. A Little River root canal treatment can be used to save the tooth, giving you the option to protect your natural smile for many years. With advanced training and state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. Hortman makes endodontic therapy a much more streamlined and enjoyable experience for patients.


Untreated dental decay and infection can move into the root of the tooth. For this reason, you will likely experience pain and severe discomfort due to the infection. Sometimes, an abscess can form as the infection spreads into the gums around the tooth.

When the infection is so severe that it impacts the root of the tooth, the dentist must access the central area of the tooth to remove the infection. During a root canal, the decay and pulp of the tooth are removed. Then, the dentist can seal the interior section of the tooth and fill it in.

Delaying treatment could lead to loss of the tooth, so it is better to choose a root canal treatment in Little River, SC to maintain the overall structure of the tooth. Modern technology can be used to save the tooth so that you can enjoy a beautiful smile. After the root canal is finished, it is common to add a dental crown or inlay to strengthen the remainder of the tooth.


Since a root canal is a detailed dental procedure, you must choose a dental team you can trust. We provide the latest advances in technology and a highly trained staff. You can relax in the dental chair knowing that we always offer top-notch dental services.

The only way to know if a root canal treatment is necessary is by talking to an experienced dental team. We invite you to schedule a consultation with our Little River endodontic specialist so that we can discuss your individual needs. These personalized recommendations will help you choose the treatments that will protect your smile.

For more information about root canals and other dental services, call us to schedule a consultation.

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